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Quick Start - Enter & Save a Recipe
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We will enter the following recipe into Matrix and save the recipe as an individual recipe file.

Boot Matrix to open the main Matrix windowin the Recipe to Formula environment

Click on the button to open the materials selection list.

Cone 10 Glaze (Reduction)  
Australian Potash Feldspar 30.00
Whiting 21.00
EPK Kaolin 19.00
Silica 30.00
Red Iron Oxide 5%
Cobalt 1%

The database listed is the Local Materials database.

Double click on each material you want in the recipe and their names appear in the R.1 recipe panel.

Click in the quantities column to enter the recipe's quantities.

Click on the button to open the window listing colourants.

Double click on each of the colourants you want in the recipe.

Click in the colourants quantities column to enter the recipe's colourant quantities.

Enter the name of the recipe.

Recipes can be saved as either individual files or they can be saved into a collection of recipes called a recipe database.

Click the Save As button to save the recipe as an individual file.

Individual files should be saved in the Individual Recipes folder.

This button will remove a highlighted material in the recipe.

This button will remove a highlighted colourant in the recipe.



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